Product catalogue

- «Bee-2»
- «Phonograph»
- «Guslimen of Russia»
- «Golden Ring»
- «Madrigal»
- «Yasnaya Polyana» orchestra
- Neckrasov`s orchestra
- Presidential orchestra
- «Gelickon» theatre
- Gnesin College
- Music schools
- Concert Halls
- BSO Chaikovskogo
- Vivaldy-orchestra
- Sats theatre
- ....
This list of our group customers is far from being full; many musicians apply to us individually which gives us an opportunity to accumulate experience since their demands are very different (Bells, Kettle drums, Kozlobass, Nai).
For manufacturing a cover it is necessary to provide us with the opportunity to make a measurement of an instrument, equipment or with its picture (draft) and answer the following questions:
- What type of the cover it should be - soft, semi-rigid (hard)?
- How should it open?
- How it would be carried-place and type of handles (centre of gravity coordinates)?
- How it would stand-are feet needed?
- Are pockets needed? If yes, their size?
- Discuss the inner structure-compartments, dividers
- Choose materials.